Fortnite Alpha is 24/7 now

Alpha phase of Fortnite is back and now in 24/7 mode with a lot of new content for you to try.


New Primary Missions – We’ve added a couple new primary missions to help in your battle against the Storm. Jump in now to play Launch the Rocket and Retrieve the Data.

Secondary Activities – We’ve also added more things for you to do when you’re out in the world of Fortnite. We call them Encampments, Anomaly and Siphon. You’ll get things like BluGlo (a new resource) and crafting materials for completing these secondary activities.

Home Base Updates – Your Home Base buildings will now award awesome gadgets when they are built. Your heroes can carry two of these gadgets into the zone with them. Also, Home Base sub buildings will also be enabled. Sub buildings will help boost the effectiveness of their primary building as well as providing bonuses to their corresponding gadgets. Note: We had to reset all Home Base progression for this to work, but we’ve given everyone resources to rebuild based on account level.

New Privacy Settings – It’s something lots of people have been asking about, so we’ve added new privacy options that give you control over who you play with. Restrict your game to Friends Only, or go Private for a solo adventure.

Even More Things – Lots of other things have been added to this update, including new hero models for the Constructor and Outlander, new chat features, improved matchmaking, new UI for your vault, a new dynamic difficulty system and a new combined stats system designed to help you understand the boosts you get from your Home Base.

Looking for more details? Read on for the full list!

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