PREVIEW: Mr Shifty

While complete clones are usually frowned upon, when a good formula has been established there is no reason not to get inspiration from it either to give us more of what we are craving, or to further a genre. After all, FPS games started off as “Doom-likes”. And when the inspiration is the masterpiece Hotline…

PREVIEW: Economic Conquest – Fluctuating Domination

Economic Conquest is an economic strategy game developed and published by Frismos. This will mark the developer’s first venture into the Early Access program as well as their first Steam release. The game offers thirty missions with six of them representing the tutorial portion, which does a decent job of easing the player into the…

PREVIEW: Shadows

Shadows is an early access platformer bathed in the shadows. With the flood of early access games, is this worth picking up? Or is it just another early access game you can skip?

PREVIEW: Earth Liberation

Earth Liberation aims to recapture the essence of old-school fast-paced RTS games rather than revolutionize the genre. A game that looks like StarCraft but plays more like Command & Conquer, with no resource gathering? Sign me in, I will join the front!